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Understanding the Creation Account (5 DVDs)
by Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., Th.D.
DVD 1011: 5 DVDs; 5 lectures; 5 hours of study
NOTE: A free downloadable syllabus is available on this website. This printable syllabus provides the outlines for the lectures and leaves space for note-taking.
These formal conference lectures present important information for properly approaching the Creation Account in Genesis. They lay the groundwork for analyzing the text by means of sound exegetical methodology. In doing so, they defend the view that God created the universe in six, twenty-four days. They do not give an exposition of the six day process, but show why it is the necessary result of reading the Creation Narrative.
The importance of this study
(1) It deals with the very foundation of the Bible, history, and redemptive history. It carefully establishes the foundation of a holistic, Christian worldview, which necessarily involves a view of origins.
(2) It confronts evolutionary mythology. We live in a world committed to evolutionary mythology, which holds that the universe came into being from nothing and progressed to its current highly-organized state by random chance forces. Evolutionary mythology dominates every area of life in the modern, secular world.
(3) It challenges the capitulation to evolution by many evangelical Christians. We live in a time in which many Christian scholars have capitulated to evolution’s deep-time and uniformitarianism. The Framework Hypothesis is especially guilty of this, arguing for a literary understanding of the Creation Account rather than a literal understanding. Framework advocacy can too easily confuse and dismay the average Christian.
The structure of this study:
I. The Historical Setting of the Creation Account
Demonstrates why we must read Genesis Account as real history, not as symbolic poetry.
II. The Theological Purpose of the Creation Account
Shows how the Creation Account impacts Israel’s understanding of herself, God, and the world.
III. The Literary Structure of the Creation Account
Explains how Moses presents the Creation Account as both literary artistry and literal history.
IV. The Temporal Emphasis of the Creation Account
Establishes the literal nature of the six days as chronological progress.
V. The Worldview Significance of the Creation Account
Promotes the worldview implications of the literal Six Day Creation viewpoint.