DVD-1013 A Survey of the Book of Revelation
(See promotional video below)
• 4 DVDs containing over eleven hours of instruction.
(Which is much better than eleven DVDs containing four hours of instruction!)
• Each DVD contains six lectures each of around thirty minutes each.
(I can't think of anything funny to say about this. Sorry.)
• Perfect for small group Bible studies or a Sunday school program.
(Large groups, though, may become restive and snort from time-to-time.)
• A free downloadable syllabus for note-taking is available on this website. It may be copied for students.
(In fact, it can be copied for aluminum storm door salesmen who refuse to participate.)
Revelation is a difficult book that has confounded the best minds of the church and been abused by the most naive populists throughout Christian history. It is so difficult that even John himself was perplexed, as we see in Revelation 17:6-7.
In Revelation we meet bizarre creatures such as fire-breathing horses with locust tails, a seven-headed beast, a woman standing on the moon, and more. What does al of it mean? How can we understand Revelation’s dramatic narrative? When did John expect these things to transpire?
In these twenty-four careful, down-to-earth lectures is provided a basic introduction to and survey of the entire Book of Revelation. The viewer will receive important interpretive tools for understanding the dramatic flow and bewildering imagery of Revelation. And with those tools in hand we will work our way through the book from beginning to end — in short, clear, insightful, and compeling lectures.
Disc 1
1. Author, Date, Progress (34:16)
2. Jewish Character; Symbolic Nature (24:37)
3. Timing and Themes (32:12)
4. John's Opening (29:21)
5. Jesus Appears to John (29:41)
6. God's Throne Room (27:22)
Disc 2
7. The First Five Seals (27:20)
8. The Sixth Seal & Interlude (31:45)
9. The First Five Trumpets (32:04)
10. The Sixth Trumpet (30:49
11. Mighty Angel & Commission (26:42)
12. Temple & Two Witnesses (1) (32:01)
Disc 3
13. Two Witnesses (2) & Seventh Trumpet (25:54)
14. The Woman, Dragon, & Heavenly War (28:38)
15. The First Beast (32:20)
16. The Second Beast (31:45)
17. The 144,000 (32:17)
18. The First Bowls (24:17)
Disc 4
19. The Sixth & Seventh Bowls (24:07)
20. Introducing the Harlot (31:49)
21. The Harlot Discussed (28:28)
22. The Lament Over Babylon (24:06)
23. Marriage Supper; Millennium; Final Judgment (29:14)
24. New Creation & New Jerusalem (26:02)
"My wife and I enjoyed this series and now can read Revelation with greater clarity and understanding. The introduction itself is well worth the cost. For those who have been exposed to Revelation taught from a Dispensational framework like me - a picky choosy of verses fitting in that view - this is an eye opener!" (E.C.)
"I highly recommend this series, which I own also." (Jay Culotta)
"Very clear summary of the essentials." (David H.)
"Thank you so much for the revelation DVD. Teaching series Our little church finished that up recently and have been tremendously blessed by it." (David M.)
Showing reviews 1-10 of 29 | Next
Posted by Chris Alan Traffanstedt on 3rd Apr 2024
This is a wonderfully insightful series that is helpful for all levels of study. If you want to driven to think deeply about a book of Scripture that is often overlooked then this is the series for you.
Posted by Tom Williams on 20th Sep 2022
I was glad to receive this DVD set. I have held to the early date of Revelation since I first heard Dr. Bahnsen about 30 years ago. Thank you for all you do.
Lord bless you.
Posted by Daron Panko on 24th Nov 2020
This is a very thorough and well-explained review of Revelation. I've read several of Gentry's books and follow his blog, but there was still plenty to learn here.
The teaching style is excellent with just the right amount of repetition and review.
Posted by Thomas on 4th Aug 2020
This is an extremely informative set of DVDs! The lectures are expertly produced, with a great pace and organization, which makes digesting the material much easier. I would heartily recommend this set to others seeking to learn more about the Book of Revelation.
Posted by Unknown on 15th Jun 2020
Thanks to Kenneth L. Gentry Jr. the church no longer has to grope in darkness regarding this book of the bible. Dr. Gentry does an amazing job in these DVDs; I highly recommend them. I will pace back and forth until I have his two volume commentary set on Revelation.
Posted by Roger on 27th Apr 2018
The short lecture format makes the information easy to digest and understand, any serious student of the Book of Revelation needs this resource in their media library.
Posted by Marie Lancaster on 6th Oct 2016
The teachings are excellent and having the syllabus to fill out and take notes with help reinforce the information. The quality of the filming is good. My only suggestion would be if you're film the series, make it more casual feeling. That will communicate better to home-group settings.
Posted by Mary Holland on 1st Oct 2016
I am 85 years old and feel like Simeon. I have waited all these years for an interpretation of Revelation, but to no avail. Now, through your in depth study, I feel I have the truth at last. Now, as I read Matthew and other books of the Bible, it all becomes clear, as if a fog has been lifted. I can't imagine how much study has gone into this, but I am eternally grateful to you.
The DVDs are so helpful, as I don't think I could ever read the commentary when it becomes available or understand the technical details. But I know that there are many a scholar awaiting its release with much anticipation.
I praise the Lord for His gifts to men, and the revealing of His Truth to His children.
His child, Mary Holland, Shelby, NC
Posted by Anthony Atkinson on 28th Dec 2015
Excellent series the kind of which I have been looking for a long time. It doesn't shy away from any hard-to-understand passages and gives convincing arguments and scriptual references. Gentry is well organized, and lays it out in compelling fashion for the hardest hard-core skeptic of the Preterist perspective. No impressive effects or sumptuous venues, but none needed. A scholarly backdrop is all that is needed! I will add that the syllabus is an excellent addendum as well. I am thoroughly enjoying it, and will ultimately refer to it often!
Posted by Unknown on 26th Oct 2015
Great Resource to put many of the eschatological errors of our culture to silence.
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