Israel in the Bible and History
USB-235 (download)
1 Introductory interview; 8 Lectures
The people of Israel are the people of God. Through the ages there has been ongoing debate and indeed heated disagreement as to what exactly Israel is, and her role and function in the eternal purposes of our God. The modern church is no less divided over the nature, call and identity of Israel and this often results in strange perspectives as to the role of the church and the nature of the Kingdom of God. This series of informative messages was given in Canberra, Australia, in 2014 and covers key issues for understanding the biblical concept of Israel.
1. Introductory interview of Ken Gentry
2. The Foundation of Israel in Abraham
3. The Formation of Israel as a Nation
4. The Purpose of Israel in Antiquity
5. The Rejection of Israel by Christ
6. The Denunciation of Israel by John
7. The Reformation of Israel in the New Covenant
8. The Role of Israel Today
9. The Calling of New Israel