In 1 John 5:13-17 John begins closing his epistle. As he does so he warns about the "sin leading to death." This difficult passage can be understood only in terms of its epistolary context. John has been warning throughout the epistle about the sin of gnosticism that has led to a split in the church based on denying the physical nature of Christ. This "sin unto death" or "sin leading to death" is speaking of the Gnostic sin so troubling the church. Creeping Gnosticism is currently afflicting the church today, even in some Reformed circles as some believers are tempted in Hyperpreterism.
What is the "sin unto death"? Listen and learn!
Posted by Donald on 11th Sep 2023
This is an excellent treatise for anyone desiring to learn the meaning of John 5. There seems to be a misunderstanding in many churches about the sin unto death and this lesson explains the subject well. I find that the works of Mr. Gentry follow the scriptures closely. John 5 is highly recommended.