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Covenantal Theonomy (book) (by Gentry)

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175pp.; softcover.

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"Do we then nullify the Law through faith? May it never be! On the contrary, we establish the Law." (Romans 3:31)

In 1977 Greg L. Bahnsen released a work designed to shed light on a distinctly biblical view of ethics: Theonomy in Christian Ethics. He argued for the continuing validity of God's law in the New Covenant era and the modern world. Unfortunately, his brilliant light of biblical understanding produced a scorching heat of ecclesiastical debate.

One of his earliest criticisms was written by Reformed Old Testament scholar Dr. Meredith G. Kline writing in the 1978 Westminster Theological Journal. Though Bahnsen responded to Kline, followers of Kline's "Intrusion Ethics" have continued to criticize Theonomy from within Theonomy's own biblical frame of reference: covenant theology.

In the present work, Dr. Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., responds to more recent criticism by Klinean scholar Dr. T. David Gordon. Covenantal Theonomy ably handles Gordon's philosophical, exegetical, and theological objections, showing not only that theonomic ethics is within the mainstream of Reformed, Confessional theology, but is firmly rooted in the covenantal Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.

Table of Contents
1. The Theonomic Debate
2. The Argument from Necessity
3. The Argument from Matthew 5
4. The Argument from Covenant Theology (Part 1)
5. The Argument from Covenant Theology (Part 2)
App. 1: The Law of Christ and God's Law
App. 2: Apostasy Legislation

Reader's comments:

Dr. Gentry, I'm currently reading through your 'Covenant Theonomy: A response to T. David Gordon and Klinean Covenantalism.' I just started the section on Gordon's attack against Bahnsen's take on Covenant theology. So far it has been excellent in that it helped me to flesh out where folks such as my Pastor and folks... at the White Horse Inn... are coming from. I was having a hard time pinning down what it was that people were objecting to in regards to Theonomy and this Klinean approach has revealed a lot for me. Thanks for your great work and God bless.

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Product Reviews

  1. Destroys the objections 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 21st Apr 2016

    This is a great book Ken Gentry. I read it last year and it thoroughly DESTROYS the objections. I don't think I've ever told you this but, thank you for this amazing work. Much encouragement brother. Thank you for all you do for the kingdom. Grace and peace.

  2. Detailed and Precise Analysis 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 30th Oct 2014

    I have been reading and studying works on theonomy for many years and have always appreciated the scholarly approach by most of those who defend it. I have also been surprised, disappointed and all around confused by the lack of apparent effort by those who criticize not only the theology but the authors, too. T. David Gordon represents the lack of discipline required in modern theological education. I thank God for men like Kenneth Gentry who uphold the Reformed tradition of an educated clergy. His work is clearly laid out, systematic, detailed and documented thoroughly. The argument he makes is essentially the same as has been made by others before: critics of theonomy have not done their homework; they don't know what they are talking about. Gentry demonstrates that Gordon had read his sources about as well as I used to read school books in High School. Gentry does all of this with a good touch of humor, too.

  3. Extraordinary! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 12th Nov 2012

    I read Covenantal Theonomy with extraordinary profit. Just as I've read most of what you've written with that kind of profit.

    Now what we need is to get that 2 Volume set on Revelation published so I can preach Revelation in 2013. I've read Chilton's work. I've listened to your 20 CD lectures. I'm familiar with Hendrickson's work but what I need to fly is Dr. Gentry's work! (And I'll probably look at Beale's work as well.)

    Looking forward to your next big release!

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