The Charismatic Gift of Prophecy: A Reformed Response to Wayne Grudem
152 pages (paperback) with Scripture Index.
The charismatic resurgence is experiencing explosive growth in the Church today, not only in America but throughout the world. And as with most explosions disastrous consequences result: negative consequences for the integrity of the Christian witness in the world.
This work analyzes charismatic claims to continuing prophetic revelation in the Church by considering key charismatic texts in Scripture. It carefully analyzes charismatic arguments over against the Scriptures themselves, demonstrating that the gift of prophecy was revelational and ceased with the closing of the canon.
It especially focuses on the work of respected Reformed theologian Wayne Grudem’s book The Gift of Prophecy in the New Testament and Today. Grudem is a thought-provoking, careful scholar whose writings have been influential in promoting charismatic renewal.
The Charismatic Gift of Prophecy reflects on exegetical, historical, ecclesiastical, and theological questions that arise in the discussion of the New Testament gift of prophecy.
This book has been widely referenced in such works as: Wayne C. Grudem, Systematic Theology; Daniel B. Wallace, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics; Robert L. Thomas, Understanding Spiritual Gifts; Walter A. Elwell, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology; John Ruthven, Pneuma Review; Robert L. Reymond, A New Systematic Theology; F. David Varnell, "Fallible New Testament Prophecy/Prophets?"; and more.
Table of Contents
Part I: Exegetical Questions
1. The Prophetic Line
2. Analysis of New Testament Terminology
3. Authority of New Testament Prophets
4. Alleged Negative Passages
Part II: Historical Questions
5. A Survey of Reformed Opinion
6. A Survey of Evangelical Opinion
7. A Survey of John Calvin's Writings
Part III: Ecclesiastical Questions
8. The Westminster Confession of Faith
9. The Presbyterian Church in America
Part IV: Theological Questions
10. The Problem of the "Open Canon"
11. The Problem in the Book of Revelation