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Before Jerusalem Fell (BOOK) (by Gentry)

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459pp. Index. Victorious Hope Publishing. Paperback.

Also available in Kindle format on this website.

Before Jerusalem Fell regularly sells for $23.95.
This is the latest printing of Before Jerusalem Fell, which differs from earlier printings by adding a 50 page Preface answering objections by critics.

For centuries scholars have argued over when the book of Revelation was written a few years before or a quarter century after the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. The most accepted but not the most compelling date is around the time of Domitian (A.D. 95-96), at the end of the first century when John would have been nearly 100 years old. A more compelling date for the writing is during the reign of Nero Caesar, just a few years before Jerusalem's destruction at the hands of the Roman commander Titus.

The evidence for this conclusion is found within the pages of Scripture. The Bible itself tells us when the Book of Revelation was written. We do not have to depend on people who wrote a hundred years or more after the fact to get the accurate story. God's own Word sets the record straight. Through careful and painstaking work, Dr. Gentry deals with all the evidence. He weighs all the arguments.

Sam Storms, Kingdom Come: The Amillennial Alternative (2013):
"The most prolific and persuasive of these [early-date, preterist] scholars is Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr., whose two books on the subject, Before Jerusalem Fell: Dating the book of Revelation . . . and The Beast of Revelation . . . are widely acknowledged to be the beast available defenses of this theory. . . . I must confess that I feel drawn to this position, although I'm not yet persuaded. Perhaps the long awaited commentary on Revelation that Gentry has promised will convince me."

Roland H. Worth , The Seven Cities of the Apocalypse (1999):
"A brilliant book-length defense of the earth date approach."

E. Earle Ellis, writing in The Making of the New Testament Documents (Brill, 1999):
"Gentry . . . offers a comprehensive survey of the issues, sources and modern writers."

J. P. M. Sweet (Journal of Theological Studies , Oxford University):
"A Thorough study of the primary sources and secondary literature (of all complexions), and demolition of some bad but often repeated arguments for a Domitian date. He makes a strong case for the early external evidence, including that of Irenaeus."

J. Christian Wilson (Professor of Religious Studies, Elon College):
"I fear that too many scholars have dismissed the work because of Gentrys self-confessed fundamentalism. Gentry's work on the external evidence is particularly valuable." "Though Gentry and I may be poles apart theologically . . . I think that Gentry's book has the most thorough treatment of the external evidence available. . . . I have been very grateful for his work."

Thomas D. Lea (Criswell Theological Review ):
"Presents a strong case for dating the Book of Revelation prior to the destruction of Jerusalem. Gentry has done an impressive job of collecting evidence to support his views. The book is well researched and cogently presented. He has given late-date advocates a challenge for further study."

R. Ludwigson (Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society ):
"Exhibits a great deal of research in the writings of the Church fathers, chiefly Irenaeus."

David A. DeSilva (Westminster Theological Journal, 1992):
"The most advanced arguments offered in support for this early date are to be found in Robinson's and Gentry's works."

Jay E. Adams (author: The Time Is At Hand ):
"Here is a book some of us have been awaiting for years! Now that it is here we can rejoice. Mr. Gentry convincingly demonstrates the fact the Book of Revelation was written, as it in so many ways declares, prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. It should receive a wide reading and ought to rattle many windows."

George W. Knight (author, The Pastoral Epistles: New International Greek Testament Commentary):
"A thorough and outstanding statement of the case for the early date of Revelation. The book makes one aware of the evidence from within the book, from early church sources, and surveys the arguments of New Testament scholars of this century and previous centuries concerning the question. No stone is left unturned to resolve the question."

Georg S. Adamsen (The Lutheran School of Theology in Aarhus, Denmark):
"His critique of the traditional interpretation of Irenaeus cannot easily be rejected."

Steve Gregg, writing in Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary (Nelson, 1996):
"Gentry's arguments, modern sentiments notwithstanding, present a formidable case for the early dating of the Apocalypse. I have encountered not treatment of the dating of Revelation more thorough than his dissertation on the subject."

R. C. Sproul, writing in The Last Days According to Jesus (Baker, 2000):
"Kenneth L. Gentry, Jr. has done excellent work in forcing reconsideration of the date when the Book of Revelation was written."

Marshall Pierson (The Reformed Congregationalist ):
"Well written. A very solid work."

Gregory K. Beale, writing in Revelation: New International Greek Testament Commentary (Eerdmans, 1999):
"The proposal that the list of kings begins with Julius Caesar and that Nero is the sixth has been argued in throrough manner by Gentry."

D. Ragan Wing (Bible.org):

"The most comprehensive survey of the relevant historical sources I have found. In fact, I have found no pertinent testimony cited in the wider secondary literature that is not also examined in Gentry."

Grover Gunn (Counsel of Chalcedon ):
"Gentry has given us insightful and well-documented studies of early church history which provide illuminating background for the book of Revelation."

Harry Uprichard (Banner of Truth ):
"Clearly argued, with full documentation and detailed footnotes. It is clear, balanced, exciting and brings us back to the days of the vision on Patmos with great helpfulness."

Andrew Lohr (Chattanooga News-Free Press ):
"He proves, and I mean proves, both Biblically and from scholarship, that God revealed the Apocalypse 'before Jerusalem fell' before the Romans destroyed the Jewish temple and ended Old Testament worship."

Table of Contents

1. Revelation Studies
2: The Approach to the Question of Dating

3. Introduction to the External Evidence
4. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons
5. Clement of Alexandria
6. Additional External Witnesses

7. The Role of the Internal Evidence
8. The Theme of Revelation
9. The Temporal Expectation of the Author
10. The Identity of the Sixth King
11. The Contemporary Integrity of the Temple
12. The Role of Nero Caesar
13. The Role of Jewish Christianity
14. The Looming Jewish War

15. Introduction to Domitianic Internal Evidence
16. The Role of Emperor Worship
17. The Persecution of Christianity
18. The Nero Redivivus Myth
19. The Condition of the Seven Churches

20. Concluding Remarks

Select Bibliography

Select Bibliography I: Modern Writings
Select Bibliography II: Ancient Writings

Readers Comments

"This book was the push over the edge for me. Great book. If you don't have it, buy a copy NOW." (Perry Hess)

"Great book, it is a cornerstone and a must read to anyone serious about the study of 'last things.'" (Michael D. Bowen)

"Great and insightful book. Highly recommend it before studying the Book of Revelation." (Kent Butterfield)

"Very good book. It is one of the best book I ever read." (Leandro Scaldaferri)

"Great book, Brother." (Arthur Ross)


"I just wanted to drop you a line thanking you for your book Before Jerusalem fell and your studies on the beast of Revelation. I’ve been studying a lot having awakened to the premillenial viewpoint. My father in Law is a Christian Zionist Pastor and our entire family has effectively recieved his faith and teachings without question. Since learning about what Christian Zionism really is and finding great teachers such as yourself, Stephen Sizer, O. Palmer Robertson and Gary DeMar, I’ve learned more in the last year about God’s word and His purpose for His church than I have in the last 25 years of my Christian walk. Thank you so much for the life changing information."

S.V. (Portsmouth, England)


"I read your book, “Before Jerusalem Fell,” and I want you to know that it’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. I’m convinced that anybody who doesn’t believe in an early date for the book of Revelation just doesn’t want to believe it. The evidence that you put forth in the book is very compelling."

S.B. (Pittsburgh, PA)


"I have read and been greatly helped by several of your books. I spent a couple of years wrestling through eschatology, and your materials were SUCH a help. I saw you listed as a friend of a friend so I thought I would request you. Thank you very much for your ministry! There was a very difficult time there when I knew I was no longer a Dispensationalist but didn’t quite know hoe to articulate some of the conclusions I was coming to. You were SUCH a help. “Before Jerusalem Fell” was really key for me. Once that domino is in place it is really helpful. That is one of four of your books I devoured. Again, thanks!"

T.C. (Vineland, NJ)


"I can not tell you how much I appreciate your work. Your book Before Jerusalem Fell was instrumental in taking me down a long path to the truth and helping find what Revelation was really explaining.

I am a Seminary graduate (1999) from an Arminian, Baptist, premil, dispensational school that became Reformed, Calvinist, Post-mil, presbyterian that is a Preterist as well. Your book BJF, along with Sproul’s book The Last Days According to Jesus got me on the right path. Your writings are clear and truly freeing to the soul."

Can’t wait to get your commentary!"

R. R. (Orlando)


"Before Jerusalem Fell and your ministry have changed not only my ministry (I am a pastor and missionary in Brazil) but also my life. May God continue blessing you, your ministry and all your family. Shalom."

D. S. (Vitoria de Conquista, Brazil)


"During my search to find a Reformed church in my area, I discovered Nicene Council’s website, and your excellent books and DVDs. Your book “Before Jerusalem Fell” opened my eyes to the accurate interpretation of Revelation. What an amazing work. I couldn’t stop reading it. I’ve purchased a few others copies for some of my closest dispensational friends. Since then, I’ve listened to your 20-CD series on Revelation, and a few of your other books and DVDs. Wow! I can’t tell you how sincerely grateful I am to you for your excellent works! You truly are a blessing to the body of Christ. Thank you!

May you be encouraged in your work and dedication to the Lord’s work. You are touching and changing more lives than you realize. God is so wonderful to us. May He bless you and your family."

J.M. (Phoenix, AZ)


"I heard you speak at the Ligonier conference years ago, and it rocked my world. Read you book Before Jerusalem Fell too, and it opened up my thinking in whole new ways. thank you!"

H.L.H. (Tampa, FL)


"Never in my life have I read or heard more persuasive argumentation for the interpretation of the Book of Revelation than in Gentry's book. His approach as a whole makes more sense of the internal and external evidence while providing satisfying confidence about the biblical prophetic imagery.

A deeply appreciative reader,"

BRC (Bluefield, Vir.)


"As my interest in Revelation has peaked in recent years, Before Jerusalem Fell was a game changer for me. I had always accepted the 95 AD date, never thinking to question it. After reading BJF, I am absolutely convinced of the early dating, Revelation makes no sense otherwise. I look forward to your new commentaries on Revelation & Olivet. God Bless your endeavors and may the awesome riches of Christ continue to be manifested in your writings with abundant increase."

A.H. (Texas)


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  1. Making Sense of the Book of Revelation 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 10th Nov 2022

    I am writing a paper on Revelation for my local association of Reformed Baptist Churches. Recently I have heard two good pastors who hold to the late date. Before Jerusalem Fell has been a big help. Chilton's Days of Vengeance has helped as well.It is my hope to get Reformed pastors to understand that Revelation is the consummation of the Covenants of Promise. Revelation 10:7 says the mystery of God is finished. God is divorcing Old Covenant Israel and ushering the Israel of God into eternity. Thank you Dr. Gentry for your faithful labors.

  2. Great Book 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 14th Jul 2022

    I like the way the author presents both sides of the debate then gives his conclusion. I agree with the author's conclusion, Revelation written before AD 70 and is about the fall of Jerusalem except for maybe chapters 19-22.

  3. Lots of info; both sides represented well 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 4th May 2022

    This book gives lots of info on the subject and covers both sides of the argument going thru each point one at a time. Interesting read!

  4. a must have 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 11th Jan 2021

    In order to understand Revelation you must first not buy the lie it was written after the fall of Jerusalem. Once that is firmly settled in your mind, Revelation is much more straight forward. I consider this one of the most valuable books in my library.

  5. Blessed beyond measure 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 17th May 2018

    I bought your dissertation work, "Before Jerusalem Fell," and immediately I knew you were on to something in interpreting Revelation, the Olivet Discourse, etc. from a partial-preterist view. That led me to buying about 5-6 more of your books. I have come to the conclusion that you are the leading scholar and theologian on preterism today, arguably even eschatology as a whole. God has blessed you with tremendous insight, discernment, understanding, and knowledge of the Word. As a result of reading your work, I have been blessed beyond measure.

  6. Highly recommend 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 29th Apr 2016

    Highly recommend this book.... I've given many copies out to people and they've thanked me for it.

  7. Fantastic! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 29th Apr 2016

    An absolutely fantastic work! I can't wait for the Revelation commentary.

  8. Important work 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 29th Apr 2016

    Very important work!! Gooood information!

  9. Blockbuster 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 16th Jun 2015

    Great book! An action-packed historical blockbuster filled with high drama, massive character presence, surprising twists and turns, and an explosive ending. Don't WAIT for the game to come out, don't wait for the movie: READ the BOOK!

  10. Great book! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 16th Jun 2015

    Great book!!!!

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