The physical resurrection of the body (of both Christ and Christ's people) is being denied by some evangelicals today. This new view (once endorsed only by liberals) is that the resurrection body is spiritual rather than physical. This is based on a misreading of Paul's great "Resurrection Chapter" in 1 Corinthians 15. In this sermon is defended the physical nature of the resurrection of both Christ and his followers (unbelievers are not considered in this passage due to Paul's focus on Christ as the first-fruits of his own people).
The biblical evidence is clear. The promise of the resurrection is that of the physical body, the body which died is the body that is raised. This message summarizes teh compelling evidence for the view of historic Christianity, reminding the hearers that 1 Corinthians has been in the Bible almost 2000 years while orthodox Christianity has affirmed the physical nature of the resurrection.
But how do we explain Paul's reference to the "spiritual body"? Paul's stating that that which is sown is not that which is raised? That flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God? These and more questions are answered in a fully orthodox and soundly exegetical way.