The Greatness of the Great Commission:
The Christian Enterprise in a Fallen World
184 pp; paper
Is the Great Commission understood properly today? Is its full import comprehended by Christ's people? That is, do Christians really grasp The Greatness of the Great Commission? These are important questions for both the contemporary church and modern culture.
Tragically, though the Great Commission is well-known and much loved today, it is poorly understood and seldom implemented.
The issue of The Greatness of the Great Commission may be resolved by properly answering the following three major questions.
1. What is the Great Commission? Is it a wholly new divine program to respond to sin, which starkly contrasts to and is discontinuous from the Old Testament program? Or is it the capstone of the longstanding covenantal program of God to respond to sin, and the fruition of the progress of redemption that is continuous with the Old Testament message?
2. What is the goal of the Great Commission? Is its goal pessimistic, directing the Church bravely to witness to a hopelessly lost and dying world while "snatching brands from the fire"? Or is its goal optimistic, empowering the Church successfully to promote the salvation of the world against all resistance, while leading the vast majority of men to salvation?
3. What is the nature of the Great Commission? Is its nature individualistic, seeking the salvation of individual lost sinners, with a view to training them in their private walk and public worship? Or is its nature holistic, seeking the salvation of individual lost sinners as well as whole communities, with a view to training them in their private walk, public worship, and the development of Christian culture?
Read this book to discover the true Greatness of the Great Commission.
Gary North: The Great Commission is comprehensive. This was Rushdoony's view. It is best articulated in Ken Gentry's book, The Greatness of the Great Commission.
Posted by Benjamin Sherrill on 7th Oct 2019
The Great of the Great Commission by Dr. Gentry, is a must-read book for all Christians. The book reminds us of the means which God has used to accomplish His will, hence, His church! The book proposes a challenge to the Christian to view the Great Commission for what it is, not an invitation, but a command from our Lord. Onward Christian solider!
Posted by Jamie J. (Des Moines, IA) on 31st Oct 2013
Thanks so much for writing the book "The Greatness of the Great Commission." I wish that there more books published like that.