Sub-title: A Partial-Preterist Response to a Novel Theological Innovation
392 pp; paperback
By Steve Gregg (author, Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary)
Did Jesus already return, as He predicted He would? For 2,000 years the Church has always said, "Not yet!" Since the 1970s some writers have been claiming that Christ returned at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD70. They believe there are no more biblical prophecies to be fulfilled in the future. They believe the church has been wrong for 2000 years regarding its central eschatological teachings, such as the visible return of Christ, the physical resurrection of the dead, and a final judgment at the end of history --- in addition to many more doctrines.
This is the view called Full-Preterism by its adherents, or Hyper-preterism by concerned evangelicals. It is currently held by a tiny but busy minority of Christians. Why Not Full-Preterism examines and rebuts the arguments of this camp and demonstrates its errors.
Table of Contents
1. Why not Full-Preterism?
2. General Introduction to Full-Preterism
3. The Parousia of Christ
4. Those All-Important Time-texts
5. Time-Indicators Examined
6. Audience Relevancy
7. The Resurrection According to Scripture and History
8. The Resurrection & Rapture According to Full-Preterism
9. Key Disputed Passages on the Resurrection
10. No Marriage in the Resurrection
11. New Heavens and New EArth
12. New Heavens and New Earth (cont.)
13. Introduction to the Olivet Discourse
14. Commentary on the Olivet Discourse
15. Gathering up the Fragments